For approximately 70% of individuals with epilepsy, there are treatments that can stop or control seizures. Doctors work closely with individual patients to explore the appropriate medication(s) to prescribe each unique seizure disorder. These medications are typically taken daily and over a long period of time; recurrence and remission of epilepsy often occurs across a person’s life span. Some seizure disorders are described as “drug resistant epilepsy” and medications do not effectively treat the condition. In these cases, brain surgery or stimulation, dietary therapy, vagus nerve therapy, and behavioral therapy may be successful treatment options; there are also research studies that explore new methods of seizure management and treatment. Unfortunately, for 30% of those with epilepsy, their seizures cannot be managed effectively by any of the currently available treatments. Many others experience side effects from their treatments that can impact their quality of life. Learn more about treatment.
In most cases, seizures end safely on their own, but sometimes more serious emergencies can arise. Learn more about SUDEP and other risks.
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